
A Free Web App that Converts Your Favorite Text Blogs into Subscribable Audio Podcasts

Podcastomatic is one of my favorite free web apps that converts (most) text blogs into audio podcasts. If you’re a podcast junkie like me and you also have your favorite text blogs that you visit daily but don’t have time to read them all, then this website is for you!

It converts your favorite blogs into a podcast feed using text-to-speech technology. Each blog post is automatically converted into a podcast episode. This is really cool if you want to stay up to date with your favorite text blogs, but you don’t have time to read them. You can turn them into an audio podcast and listen to them while you’re on the go with Podcastomatic.

Here’s how it works. Go to Podcastomatic and enter the URL address of whatever blog that you want to convert to audio then click “Go”. It will take a few moments to convert the blog posts into audio files and into a whole entire podcast that you can subscribe to on iTunes. Each blog post is turned into its own podcast episode.

Since this uses text-to-speech technology the voice is kind of robotic, but you will get used to it after you listen to a few episodes. Podcastomatic is a great way to keep up-to-date on your favorite text blogs if you don’t have time to read them every day. Go ahead and try this out with your favorite text blog. It won’t work with every single blog, but it works with most blogs.

By Andy Slye