Videos by Andy Slye

Category: iOS (Page 5 of 5)

Apple iOS

How To Copy Any DVD To iTunes (Mac X DVD Ripper Pro)

Video Transcript:

Hey everybody what’s up? This is a quick video on how to copy any DVD to iTunes so you can put them on any device – your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android tablet, Android smart phone, or just keep them in iTunes. This is a fantastic piece of software that I’m using. It’s called MacX DVD Ripper Pro. And if you click the annotated link at the top of this video it will take you to their site where you can download it and buy it at a discounted price. I highly recommend it. It’s very awesome. You’ll get your use out of it so go ahead and do that right now.

Once you have it downloaded and installed, start it up. It’ll bring you to this main screen here and most people are just going to load the DVD disc so if you click this DVD button it’ll load your DVD disc that is in your DVD drive right now. Or you can click this Load DVD folder if you already have a folder on your computer. Or if you have the ISO image you can click this ISO button. Most people are, like I said, are going to be using the DVD button so click that.

And here the Source DVD disc window pops up. It’ll show you what’s loaded into your drive right now. It’ll show the main title of the movie here in this box. You’ll just hit OK. Alright and here it is. It’ll pop up the output profile window and here is where you can select what output format that you want your movie to be in depending on what device you’re going to put it on. So I can choose anything from an Apple device, iPhone, iPod, iPad, all kinds of stuff, Android tablet to Android smart phone, and even YouTube video and PC General, all kinds of stuff. So right now I’m just going to choose iPhone. It gives you these recommended settings which is really awesome because you won’t have to go in here and change any of the settings. It’s already chosen for you. It gives you the best quality option and it gives you, even gives you the option to choose older models which is pretty cool. So I’m just going to leave mine on iPhone 5. Click Done.

And here it is. It automatically detects the main movie title. It’s got a check right here. You can see how it’s the longest. This is the duration so it’s an hour and six. That’s the main movie. If you just want to copy the main movie it automatically selects it for you and you just hit Run. But if you want to select any of the extras, if the DVD has any extras you can go ahead and select any of these here. You can select them all if you want to and you can go ahead and click Run.

That’s pretty easy. That’s as simple as it is. I will show you what the settings look like if you want to go in here and change some of these. Basically the default audio language we’ll just leave that at English obviously. And then you can choose this Open Output Folder that’s by default. And you can actually check this Add MP4 files to iTunes library after conversion. What this does is it automatically adds the video movie to your iTunes so you don’t have to do it manually after it’s converted, after it’s copied to your Mac. And you can actually choose this Shut down computer after conversion if you’d like. And here you can choose the default location of where the backed up copy of the DVD video goes onto your computer. I just have mine set to the desktop by default. You can change it to whatever you’d like. So now, yeah we’ll just hit Run and let it copy the DVD to your Mac.

And there it is folks, simple as that. The output folder will pop up. Your movie will be there. If you want to put it into iTunes, just open up iTunes and you can drag and drop this movie in there and then once it loads there it is. And you can load that onto your iPhone, your iPod, iPad by syncing up your iDevice to your computer via the USB cable and it’ll sync onto your device. So go get that program now it’s called MacX DVD Ripper Pro and again the link is on the top of this video, and the link is also in the info section below this video so you can click on it there too. So go get that, highly recommended program by me. And as always if you enjoyed this, if it helped you out please subscribe to my channel. Leave a comment and let me know if it helped you out or if you have any suggestions. And give this video a like, a thumbs-up. That’s it for today folks. I will talk to you guys and girls later. Bye.

10 Tips for Faster iPhone Speed & Longer Battery Life

My top 10 tips for faster iPhone speed and better battery performance:

1) Lower the brightness
2) Reboot at least once a week
3) Turn off WiFi/3G when you are not using them
4) Remove background processes each night
5) Change Email Push/Fetch settings
6) Turn off Push notifications and remove unnecessary apps from Notification Center
7) Turn off Spotlight Search indexing
8) Delete unused apps that are taking up a lot of space
9) Turn off Location Services for unnecessary apps
10) Disable iCloud

Video Transcript:

In this video I’m gonna show you the top 10 tips on how to improve your iPhone speed and battery performance. Let’s get right into it.

The first tip is lower your brightness on your screen by going to settings, brightness, and you can scroll this wheel from right to left depending on how bright you want the screen. I usually leave mine right at the 50% mark, halfway. Also leave auto brightness on so the iPhone automatically dims itself when you’re in low light situations.

Next tip is to restart your iPhone at least once a week and to do this you will find the iPhone power button at the top of the iPhone, hold it down for about five seconds. It’ll prompt you to slide to power off then slide the slider to power the phone off. Wait about 15 seconds and then you can power the phone again.

Turn off Wi-Fi and 3G cellular data if you’re not using them by going to settings, Wi-Fi and turn Wi-Fi off in here. To turn off cellular data go back, hit general and then hit network. Here you can turn off cellular data. It will turn off 3G signals and you can turn off data roaming.

Each night before you go to bed remove all apps that are running in the background. To do this you will double tap the home button and then press and hold an icon and then hit the red delete button on all the icons on the bottom bar until they’re all removed. Then tap the home button again.

Change your e-mail settings to check less frequently by going to settings. Scroll down to mail and if fetch new data is set to push you can change that to fetch every 15 minutes, every 30 minutes, hourly or manually. I found that 15 minutes works pretty well.

Change your push notifications settings by going into settings, notifications, and here you can change every apps individual notification settings. If you don’t need an app to notify you, you can turn the notification settings off for that particular app. The fewer apps that are in this list the better your iPhone will perform.

Turn off spotlight indexing by going to settings, general, spotlight search. Here you can uncheck any app that you don’t usually use that often and it will remove it from the spotlight index. This will speed up your iPhone tremendously.

Delete any unnecessary app that ís taking up space by going into settings, general, and then hit usage. Here you’ll see a list of apps that are taking up the most space. If there’s an app in this list that you don’t use anymore go ahead and delete it.

There are a lot of apps out there that turn on location services by default when they don’t really need it in the first place. To clean this list up a bit, go to settings, location services, and here you’ll see a list of apps that have location services turned on or off. If you know an app can function 100% correctly without location services turned on, go ahead and turn it off for that app.

Turn off iCloud and its services by going into settings then iCloud. Here you’ll see a list of services offered in iCloud. I personally have everything turned off except find my iPhone. You can also disable the storage and backup feature by clicking storage and backup and turning iCloud backup off.

And that’s it, those are the ten tips. If you have any more I’d be happy to hear them. Go ahead and leave a comment or if you enjoyed this video go ahead and click the Like button. I really appreciate it. Thanks for watching everybody.

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