Are you a complete Mac beginner and you want to know how to copy and paste on a Mac and how to cut and paste on a Mac? Well it’s really easy to do, but a lot of people don’t know how to do it. I get this question a lot. I’m going to show you how to do it real quick. The first way to do it is to just use your mouse. Obviously just right-click on whatever you want to copy then choose Copy then go to your destination and right-click and Paste that item. That’s how to use your mouse to copy and paste on a Mac. I’ll go ahead and move that to the trash real quick. Now I’m going to show you how to use the keyboard. So select whatever you want to copy and then on the keyboard hold down Command + C. That will copy it to the clipboard. Go to your destination then hold down Command + V. That will paste it into your destination. I’m going to show you how to cut and paste on a Mac. So if you want to just move it, if you want to move a file instead of copying and pasting then going back and deleting it you just do the same thing. You hit Command + C on whatever you want to move. Go to your destination and hold down Command + Option + V. That will actually move it to the destination instead of just copying it. It’ll actually move it so now when you go back to the old location it’s not there anymore. So those are complete beginner tips for Mac users. Hope this helped you out!

By Andy Slye