iOS Quick Tip: How to Free Up Space on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

Here’s a quick tip for all you iOS users out there. This is how to free up space on an iPhone, iPod, or iPad – instantaneously. So if you ever find yourself running low on storage space on your iOS device, have no fear. It’s really easy to free up space. First go into your Settings, then tap General, and then go to your Usage. Here it’ll populate a list of all the apps that you have installed on your iOS device and how much space each app is taking up. It’s listed by putting the app that uses the most space on top. Music is listed first on mine because it’s using up the most.

What you want to do here on this list is find apps that you can delete then immediately reinstall to free up a lot of space. For example, I’m not going to delete my music or podcasts, but I can delete Facebook because it’s using up 147 unnecessary megabytes of data. The original app size is only 57 MB, which means it’s using up 147 MB of cached files. To free up this space, hit Delete App then Delete App again, and it frees up 150 MB (on mine). So go through your apps and look for apps that are taking up at least 100 MB of storage space.

Almost all the social networking sites are big culprits of this. They take up a ton of unnecessary space. Each time you look at your Instagram feed it saves huge cache files to your device. The app size originally is only 21 MB so it’s taking up 134 MB of unnecessary space on my iPhone. I can delete this app just like with Facebook. Vine does it bad too. It’s taking up 100 MB so I’ll delete that app as well.

Once you delete those apps, all you have to do is go back into your App Store and reinstall those apps that you just deleted. They will download and reinstall in the same exact location that they were before. So if you had it in a folder it’ll go back into that folder, and you won’t lose any of the app settings that you had. That is how to free up space on an iPhone, iPod, or iPad. Go ahead and try that out, and let me know how much space you freed up using that method.

By Andy Slye